Yogi Amandeep is going to be in Salt Lake City on the following dates:
Dates: Wednesday April 18 – Friday, April 20
6:00 – 8:30 pm


– Sign up for individual days ($40 if registered by 03/20, $50 after that)
– Sign up for all 3 evenings ($108)

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Please contact Prakash Kaur for registration and private sessions:

704.907.5006, spiveymeg@aol.com

DAY 1 (April 18): Detoxing Mind, Body, & Consciousness 
6:00 – 8:30pm
Many individuals have blocks and fears held deeply not just in the physical body but also in the energetic system and the sub conscious mind. These limits the expansion of the multidimensional abilities that you are born with.Learn ancient Yogic techniques to:
Enter the relaxed ‘trance state” and to balance your left and right brain.
Drop blocks and fears
Remove limiting patterns from childhood
Release energetic painful emotional traumas Transcend old patterns from past lives for healing.An invitation to all those who want to clean the inner house of their being

DAY 2 (Thursday April 19): Third Eye Activation 

6:00 – 8:30pm

Eyes are your doors for going out. Through them you are seeing, moving, eating etc. All your desires take birth through the eyes. The eyes moves the whole world. Eyes are the door for the mind; they go on collecting the outer world into the inner consciousness.

Left eye represents time and right eye represents space. Beyond the left and right eye, the ancient sages speak about the 3rd eye. The eye beyond time and space.

In front the two visible eye lies the visible realm, when the two eyes are shut, the 3rd eye is awakened one sees the invisible realm.

Learn some great truths about the 3rd eye with practical techniques from the ancient tradition of the Himalayan sages.

Day 3 (Friday April 20): Transmission of Bhakti Yoga

6:00 – 8:30 pm 

Bhakti is the Journey into deep devotion
It is the highest & final step
It is the Jump into the Unknown

There is no Kriya, no Asana, no Mudra no Action that can awaken Bhakti.

But when Bhakti, the great goddess blooms in you, then your
every movement becomes a Kriya
every word becomes a Mantra
every sitting becomes an Asana
every touch becomes a Mudra.

About Yogi Amandeep:

Master Teacher, Yogi Amandeep Singh M.Sc(Aust), MA(UK), B.Sc Hons(UK) is a counsellor by profession and an accomplished yogi, having studied in depth many yogic traditions in India. He is a Kundalini Yoga Teacher, a scholar with Kundalini Research Institute(USA), Healer, Mystic & a teacher of Eastern Spirituality. He is a leading authority on philosophy & history of ancient yogic traditions. He is also involved in addiction & recovery programs around the globe. He combines psycho-spiritual techniques with modern developments in the field of emotional and psychological transformation. He brings great depth, accuracy, joy and spontaneity to his teaching. Being inspired by Yogi Bhajan, his master, he travels around the world sharing transforming wisdom.
