Developing dinacharya, a consistent daily routine is one of the most important practices of Ayurveda. It is here that we revisit the three pillars, and re-establish the importance of good sleep, proper digestion, and self restraint.

Having a scheduled, daily routine that is practiced upon waking and before sleeping will bring health, vitality, and stability to your body and mind. The routine you develop for yourself will positively influence the quality of sleep and digestion you experience, and also keep your mind clear and calm.

The following routines should be done around the same time each day, especially wake/ sleep and meal times:


  • Arise at the proper time according to your doshic predominance:
    • Vata: 7 – 8am
    • Pitta: 6 – 7 am
    • Kapha: 4:30 – 6am
  • Drink a glass of room temperate water upon waking, maybe one that has sat overnight in a copper cup. This will help stimulate a bowel movement.
  • Evacuate bowels and bladder within the first hour of waking. If there is no BM, just try, with intention, don’t push.
  • Using cool to room temp water, rinse your face.
  • Scrape your tongue, this stimulates digestion and allows you to see what kind of ama might be building up in the body.
  • Brush your teeth. We like to use Auromere Ayurvedic Toothpaste, it’s got great herbs for mouth and teeth health and no chemicals or toxins.
  • Abhyanga massage with appropriate oil before showering. Wait 30 minutes to allow oil to sink in. This is a perfect time to meditate.
    • Vata: Sesame Oil
    • Pitta: Coconut or Sunflower Oil
    • Kapha: Sesame Oil
  • Shower/bathe – the hot water will help your skin absorb the oils. Only use soap in hard-to-reach places.
  • Exercise/yoga based on your dosha
  • Pranayama and or meditation
  • Breakfast



The evening dinacharya can be a duplicate of the morning routine, as this is preparing for the night/moon.

  • Light exercise/walk, pranayama, meditation
  • Dinner
  • An hour before bed, turn off work and electronics, try to relax by reading scriptures or classics, listening to classical music or other sattvic activities
  • Wash your face
  • Brush your teeth, but don’t scrape the tongue
  • If there is difficulty sleeping, massage feet with warm oil.
  • Bedtime
    • Vata: Needs the most sleep out of all the Doshas. Try to go to sleep an hour or two after sunset, giving yourself 8 hours minimum of sleep through the night.
    • Pitta: Needs a moderate amount of sleep. 7-8 hours is best. Try to be in bed before 10pm, as this is when the Pitta time of day starts and it may prevent sound sleep.
    • Kapha: Needs the least amount of sleep. 5-7 hours is all that is needed. For Kaphas, staying up late (11pm) is tolerated.

Each individual’s Dinacharya is a sacred practice that fits to their specific constitution and personal needs. To discover your Doshic constitution and what morning and evening practices will suit you best, including specific herbs, yoga routines, meditation practices, and pranayamas, please schedule a consultation with one of our Ayurvedic Health Clinicians